Thursday, February 4, 2010

Married Woman on the Train - Part 3

Ok, so i see Carol (Train-Lady) on the train again today. She doesn't sit by me at first, so i go to sleep. I get a tap on my neck half-way through the train ride. It's her. So we're chatting--nothing crazy, mostly about her experiences in law school. And then she offered to help me study for a major test I have coming up in June. Before I could say anything she gives me her card. I took it, and she was smiling really hard. Then i got serious and asked "WIll both you and your husband help me study?" She says "We're going through a divorce, but my family won't let me parade without my ring until the divorce is final" Something about them being Catholic....or something along those lines. So it'll just be her helping me study.....I'm not sure if it's the truth or not. If it is the truth, then she'll be single by the time study-time comes along....what should i do? If she's lying, I know it's GOODBYE.......but.....I don't know what i'm supposed to do here...


  1. Well, she's still married so there's no jumping the gun. Take her act of kindness as just that. Am I saying to be naiive and totally oblivious to it all... HECK NO but you take her words on things. The key to any relationship (Friendship, opposite sex ...) is honesty an trust. If that's what she says, that's what it is. It's studying. It isn't a DATE! Besides, you guys take the train...maybe she's been eyeing you for a LONG WHILE! Just enjoy the "new" friend and use her to your advantage (not in a negative way); she's into the law stuff and you're considering going deeper in that direction. Hmmm Catholic... LOL we shall see. Just enjoy life man!

  2. Lol we shall see indeed!! Yeah I think it's a pretty Safe bet to keep her around. She'll be in invaluable resource. I guess I'll know soon enough whether or not she's telling the truth!

  3. True that true that. No need to rush anything. In the meantime, let's see how smart she is- tutoring.... HMMM
