Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Change for the Best

So, for the first time in 8 years, I will be alone this Valentines Day--and I don't mind at all. It's a change of pace from my normal romantic life. I am very much a Serial Monogamist (Or Chain-Dater as a friend of mine hilariously puts it), so i have a constant need to be with someone whether they are right for me or not. The last woman that I dated that was actually right for me is Married now. Since then, I've been entering relationships with a series of pretty faces that I know will have NO place in my future.

I'm fighting my urge to date for the sake of dating, and that includes Valentines Day activities. Are there women out there that i know could be my valentines? Absolutely. Do I want to get involved with them? Absolutely not. One of my New Years Resolutions was to be much more selective about who I date.

Sure, my standards of attractiveness and collegiate education still stand, but I am adding religious dedication and childlessness to my standards. I'm at an age now where anyone I date is a potential wife for me. Stricter standards are needed.

Here's to a better me.


  1. well sir, I approve of this message on SO many levels! Your new years resolutions with religion and child added to how you chose a woman I must say was a big step. And because this is something you've set out to do, with much prayer and much power it shall be done. NOW, on to Valentines day.... we ALL know it's just a hoax, just another day to get you to spend frivolously. It's all a hype, pure peer pressure, WORLDLY pressure... just PRESSURE! Besides, how meaningful is the day when you're constantly sharing it with woman after woman?

  2. Much Prayer indeed!!! I'm trying overhaul myself to be a better person.

    BTW i have to tell you something crazy that i can't post here. Bout to iChat you.
