Sunday, February 14, 2010

Malarchy on Valentines Day

I went to sleep annoyed last night. Very annoyed. Lets start at the beginning.

Friday evening Woman B from my "Litany of Demise" post calls me about Valentines day. Now as i've mentioned before on this blog, for the first time in my life, I'm actually working on being comfortable being single. So she starts talking about how she's so excited about V-Day, and how she got her hair done, and nails done,a fresh brazilian, and how stunning her outfit is. The whole nine yards. So the conversation goes as follows:

Me: "Hey, that's all excellent. You're a beautiful woman, and I'm sure your valentine will enjoy you."

Her: "He sure will"

Me: "Who is your valentine, anyway?"

Her: "You are, silly!"

Me: *Uncomfortable Silence*

Her: "Well?"

Me: "Look, I'm really trying to be a different person. I'm cool with not having a valentine right now"

Her: "Mmmm, you must have forgotten what i do"

Me: "Nah I haven't forgotten--believe me, I haven't forgotten..."

I can't post the rest of that conversation, but long-story short, she had convinced me to be her valentine. That was that--until I started having second thoughts. If i'm trying to break old cycles and be more selective of the women i deal with, how does letting someone from my past back into my life help at all? It doesn't.

So later that night, I call her and cancel on out V-Day plan. Now she is LIVID, and she starts to curse me out. I had to get loud and remind her who she was talking to. So then she calmed down and asked why i canceled, and I told her about me trying not to reopen old books, and my new selective process. She couldn't understand what I was talking about; We just agreed to disagree, and that was the end of that.

So last night, she starts BLOWING UP MY PHONE. Seriously--there are few things i hate more than incessant calling from the same person, and she KNOWS I hate it. I didn't pick my phone up, and I didn't listen to any of the 7 voice-mails she left me.

I wish i had. I would have been prepared for what happened next.

So 7:00am this morning there's pounding on my door. I don't know why, all i know is that i was UPSET that I was being awakened at 7:00am. I go to the door and answer it. It's HER. Apparently, she just off of work (She's a Registered Nurse and she works nights) and she wanted to stop by and wish me a Happy Valentines Day...I was about to start getting ON her for stopping by unannounced...but...

Now, I don't know if it was my morning woody thinking for me, or the lighting of the...Sun? but she looked absolutely STUNNING. Not just regular stunning....I'm talking about "for three seconds I saw her having my kids" beautiful...and at that point i hoped she hadn't come to change my mind, because it would have worked......

But thankfully, she didn't. I invited her in, and we had Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, and then she left. I'm so glad she respected my wishes, because this morning could have gone very differently...

1 comment:

  1. PAH!!!! BANGING ON DOOR?! Man, I wish I would've gotten here sooner to read this cause ya DEFINITELY didn't fill me on that THAT! She's crazy Matt, btw just wanted to mention that.
