Thursday, February 18, 2010


This was a busy week for me.

A) I ordered a 6-Piece Cherrywood Bedroom Set (I'm more excited than i should be)

B) Made arrangements to remodel my floors (The estimate is taking place tomorrow)

C) I created a Full-Fledged Media Room where my weight-room once was

D) Stood on the elevator with Woman C from my "Litany of Demise" Post

E) Got re-united with my dearrrr friend that I haven't spoken to in a couple of years

F) Made a difficult decision on Valenties Day (If you only knew...)

G) Bought a Wireless Webcam so I can Skype Video-Conference from my Media-Room Sofa (Boo-Loving online will never be the same)

H) Left (and subsequently retrieved) my iPhone in my car at the train-station

I) Deleted my photo album of "special pictures" of women i've been involved with...(Don't Ask)

J) Figured out that sometimes, I'm TOO friendly to people (Yes, it's true)

K) Finalized my requirements for a wife (to be disclosed at a later date)

L) Received my Graduate Certificate of Homeland security Management in the Mail (Time to Frame that Bad-Boy)

Yes, this was a busy week indeed.

1 comment:

  1. LEFT PHONE ON TRAIN?!?!?! you can leave your briefcase or man purse for all the world cares but ya PHONE?! as we Jamaicans say it: yuh mussa MAD to rawtid!

    Special pictures? lol yes those have to go @ some point.

    LOL the life of Manchu, NEVER dull
