Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Manchu's Rules on Treating Your Lady

1) Kiss her randomly, even if you don't feel like it--it will brighten her day.

2) ALWAYS open doors for her--It's a good look for BOTH you and her.

3) If she says she doesn't feel beautiful that day, do NOT go overboard telling her she's beautiful every five seconds. She'll think you're just saying that for the sake of saying it. Instead, make her day WONDERFUL in any way you can, and she'll forget her self-consciousness as she smiles at you.

4) Periodically surprise her with Spa treatments for BOTH you and her. Don't be afraid to get a pedicure with her--you know you're a man; she knows you're a man. That is all.

5) Make sure you establish early that you DO wear the pants in the relationship--but don't remind her every half an hour that you're running things. Women want to feel like they have someone to care for them--but they don't need another daddy (screw what T-Payne says)

6) If you love her, tell her. Odds are, by this point, she fell in love before YOU did. If you don't get that vibe, you might not need to be with her.

7) If she doesn't like to shave--gently offer to help her with this. Nobody likes fur......anywhere.

8) Stock up on Ice Cream and movies in the comedy genre. If she's going through a crisis, console her, pop on the movie, and enjoy some ice cream with her. It goes a long way.

9) TAKE HER SHOPPING periodically--she will be very happy, and i

10) If she does not have a relationship with Christ, it is your job to help her with this. If your relationship with Christ is lacking, fix that before you try to fix hers.

Manchu Has Spoken

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