Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Swagger is on Autopilot

It's been almost a month since my last post--WOW, do I have updates for you guys.

1) Update 1: Interracial Dating:

So i entered my first interracial dating situation back in March. It was an excellent experience. There was a lot of hate from my friends, and I need to put this foolishness to rest now. A lot of my black female friends would ask foolish questions like "so, what...Black women aren't good enough for you now?" and "Ohhhh you're selling out" WHAT....THE....FRACK?

I'm shutting you all down now--a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman--I don't care if she's black, white, hispanic, asian, indian, or middle-eastern. She was college educated, and was beautiful, believe me--she treated me like a KING even though we only dated for about a month. (ended on good terms--very very complex situation). She was a good friend of mine before we dated--race has nothing to do with anything. NOTHING! All the haters out there, cut the malarchy at once.

2) Update 2: The Housing Market

So, I was going over the numbers for this Jaguar XF that I'm thinking about pursuing; however, I started looking at houses online, and now I'm considering pursuing my second house before getting the Jag. Renting out my current house would be easy to do, since I live a stones throw away from a U.S. Army Base with lots of people stationed there long-term looking for places to live. the plan is to calculate what my payments will be on the Jaguar, and then make sure the rent I charge turns a profit at least half of the cost-per-month for the Jag. Oh!, the joys of homeownership

3) Update 3: My Current Situation

I'm currently something with this student from my alma mater, Howard University. I phrase it like that because all we are now are friends who have recently discovered we like eachother. The catch is, she's 20. That's quite a few years younger than I am, and her immaturity shows. There are.......certain things.......that she does not do. I won't go into the implications of that, because that would take all day--but for the foreseeable future, we will continue to just be friends who like eachother. Her thought processes have some maturing to do. Plus, I'm in my relationship-only tip right now...and she is NOT relationship material.

4) Update 4: Manchu's Dating Philosophy

My formula is Friend-> Date-> Relationship. Contrary to the societal norm, I only date friends of mine. I find that it leads to a more fulfilling relationship and a deeper connection. Now, the down side to this is--if you end on bad terms, then you lose a friend. It's up to those parties involved to make sure things DON'T end on bad terms. i am only on bad terms with two of my exes--the rest of them I've remained friends with and they don't hesitate to tell me about myself when I seek advice.

I will not walk up to a random pretty woman on the street and ask for her number. That is classless. So now, I'm in something of a pickle: my 2010 resolution was to just have relationships--no "mutually beneficial friendships." But it looks like so far, when i've tried to make the relationship thing work--something happens and it doesn't work. I think i may need to retire from relationships for 2010.....easier said than done, since once I pick a friend i like, I tend to pursue her without consciously realizing it. My swag is on autopilot. I'll need to think of this a bit more.


  1. "Swag is on autopilot." I like. I think I'll borrow this one, and never return it =)

  2. lol I'll allow it--because it's you and you have Swag to apply it to. APPROVED.
